In the News
- Laura and her book featured on Big Easy Magazine article, Laura Engels’ Book Encourages Women To Tell Their Stories
- Laura spotlighted as a guest blogger on Adoption & Beyond: How the Early Traumatic Event of Relinquishing my Son for adoption as a teenager in 1967 Shaped Me as a Young Woman and Beyond
- Laura featured in an article on the San Diego Union Tribune, talking about SDMWA and her piece that is featured in the latest Shaking the Tree (Vol. 3)
- Laura highlighted as guest blog on Journal of Expressive Writing, A God Thing—The Drum Roll of Synchronicity
- Laura contributes an article on Girl Talk HQ
A Mother’s Story, a piece on Severance Magazine
- Laura shares a powerful piece on Writer’s Digest, Telling My Story: How to Work Through Painful Feelings While Writing a Memoir
- Laura was a guest on the Jeniffer Dyan Ghoston podcast; Once Upon A Time In Adoptionland, June 2023
- Laura was a guest on the yWrite podcast with Angela Grout, May 2023
- Goodby Shame With Birth Mother Laura Engel, March 2023
- Laura was featured in The Premise podcast with Jeniffer Thompson, June 2022
- In Spring of 2019 Laura was interviewed by Dani Shapiro for her “Family Secrets with Dani Shapiro” Podcast.
- Laura as a guest on the Authors Over 50’s weekly podcast
- Featured on the Uncorking a Story podcast, Laura tells her story
- Wednesday, May 18th, at 7:30pm PST Warwick’s hosted Laura as she discussed her new book, You’ll Forget This Ever Happened: Secrets, Shame, and Adoption in the 1960s, in conversation with Jeniffer Thompson
- Thursday, May 19th, at 4:00 pm PST Laura was interviewed by Kelly Dumar from The Journal of Expressive Writing
- Thursday, June 2nd at 4:00 pm PST, Laura was interviewed on the June Virtual Book Club with the National Association of Memoir Writers
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